Wednesday, August 12, 2009


lol.Today was like the morning a short sec 2 student leader from my class came in n asked us to go to hall with her high pitched irritating voice and face..than Ms Lim said student leaders were role models abd i started thinking, does that count student leaders who are so lazy to even walk that they use their statues to ask others to go out of school and buy bubble tea back for them? student leaders who talk 24/7 in class with her loud voice and hurt my ears? student leaders who throws thumb drives at others? student leaders who scold others on their blogs? (well, i'm scolding them back in my blog)

well either than that nothing else irritated me throughout the day, the rest of the day was fun. We played base ball for PE, baba n i managed to keep the ball in the air for more that 5 throws the only sad part was that i had a stomach ache and sat on the steps with the rest of the class when the PE teacher threw a base ball at me n expected me to catch but of course, it hit my waist and bounced away to Vv who onli managed to catch a few balls during the game. The PE teacher said that catching powerful balls would be fine as long as we wore gloves but he threw a powerful high ball at me twice for the first time, just when i was going to catch it, the class treasurer ran over,pushed me away and caught the ball than she went "yay! i caught the ball" she pushed my arm so hard that it turned red! for the second ball i managed to catch it but it dropped right off my gloves and hurt my palm, the ball hit my hand with great force making my palm turn red... ...long er also almost caught a ball threw by the PE teacher.

PE was the only lesson i remember attending

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